The Weight
of Gold, Silver or Platinum |
1 Troy Ounce |
= |
31.1033 Grams |
1 Troy Ounce |
= |
480 Grains |
1 Troy Ounce |
= |
20 Pennyweight
(DWT) |
12 Troy Ounce |
= |
1 Pound Troy |
14.5833 Troy
Ounces |
= |
1 Pound
Avoirdupois |
0.9114 Troy
Ounces |
= |
1 Ounce
Avoirdupois |
32.15 Troy Ounce |
= |
1 Kilogram |
1 Gram |
= |
5.3 Karats
1 Gram |
= |
15.432 Grains |
1 Gram |
= |
(DWT) |
1.5552 Grams |
= |
1 Pennyweight
(DWT) |
1.000 Grams |
= |
1 Kilogram |
28.3495 Grams |
= |
1 Ounce
Avoirdupois |
24 Grains |
= |
1 Pennyweight
(DWI) |
5.760 Grains |
= |
1 Pound Troy |
15.432 Grains |
= |
1 Kilogram |
437.5 Grains |
= |
1 Ounce
Avoirdupois |
7,000 Grains |
= |
1 Pound
Avoirdupois |
1 Grain |
= |
0.06448 Grams |
240 Pennyweight
(DWT) |
= |
1 Pound Troy |
24 Karats =
1000.0 Fine |
= |
20 Karats =
833.3 Fine |
(DWT) |
= |
1 Kilogram |
23 Karats =
958.3 Fine |
= |
18 Karats =
750.0 Fine |
(DWT) |
= |
1 Ounce
Avoirdupois |
22 Karats =
916.6 Fine |
= |
16 Karats =
666.7 Fine |
(DWT) |
= |
Avoirdupois |
1 Kilogram |
= |
2.68 Pounds
Troy |
1 Kilogram |
= |
35.2740 Ounces
Avoirdupois |
1 Kilogram |
= |
2.2046 Pounds
Avoirdupois |
Fine/Purity or
Gold |
21.6 Karats =
900.0 Fine |
= |
14 Karats =
583.3 Fine |
21 Karats =
875.0 Fine |
= |
10 Karats =
041.7 Fine |
System Versus
Troy System
The troy system
is used to weigh
precious metals
in Canada and
the United
States. No
Longer legal in
the United
Kingdom. |
1 Troy Pound |
= |
12 Troy Ounces |
1 Troy Pound |
= |
20 Pennyweight |
1 Pennyweight |
= |
24 Grains |
The Metric
System is
currently used
as a standard in
all Europe,
Latin America
and most other
countries in the
world. |
1 Metric Ton |
= |
1,000 Kios |
Approximate conversions
from U.S. Customary to
System e
International D' Unite's
(Sl) |
Weight (Mass) |
Multiply by: |
Pounds to
Kilograms |
0.425 |
Short Tons to
(Metric Tons) |
0.9 |
Grams to Ounces
Kilograms to
Pounds |
0.035 |
(Metric Tons)
to Short
Tons |
1.1 |
conversions to
six Significant
figures |
Weight (Mass) |
Multiply by: |
Ounces ( Avair )
to Grams |
28.3495 |
Pounds (Avair)
to Kilograms |
0.453592 |
Grams to Ounces
( Avair ) |
0.035274 |
Kilograms to
Pounds (Avair) |
2.20462 |
Gold Facts |
Gold will not rust or
decay. Gold is more
malleable and ductile
than any other metal on
earth. It can be
hammered to a thickness
of 1/250.000 of an inch.
One Troy Ounce can be
drawn to a length of 50
miles or beaten to cover
100 square feet.
Gold comes in different
colors - yellow. green,
red, white, - Which are
produced by variations
the allow. The most
common metal used with
gold are silver, copper.
zink, and nickel. Silver
and zink tend to give a
greenish hue, copper a
reddish hue Rose / (pink
gold), and nickel / and
these days Palladium is
used for white gold.
Information used in this
chart by Public Metal
inc., was obtained from
sources deemed to be
reliable and accurate,
but no responsibility
whatsoever is assumed. |
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